Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Victims Testimony to the President of the United States

Presidential Commission of Bioethics meeting 4


My name is Dr. John Hall. I am a medical doctor from Texas. As I understand the memorandum from the President, it is for you to determine if current legislation is adequate in protecting individuals and if there is any ongoing experimentation.
In reviewing the Common Rule, it is very obvious that there is a lot of loop holes to informed consent. All of the horrific experiments you have mentioned, Willowbrook, MKULTRA, radiation experiments, mostly were done without informed consent. They were funded by the DoD and intelligence agencies where I am not even so sure you would know if there is an IRB, much less if an IRB is looking at informed consent.
As a physician, relative to some of what you are hearing today, in the community we are seeing an alarming rate of complaints of use of electromagnetic weapons. Microwave auditory effects, silent sound spectrum, EEG cloning, which has taken the lab out of the laboratory and into the home. Most of these from the research that we have reviewed can be done remotely. It seems to be more weapons research than medical research.
I personally corresponded with upwards of 1500 victims all complaining of identical complaints from every state in the nation of being exposed to electromagnetic radiation, non-ionizing radiation for the use of cognitive control or behavior control.
I submitted a paper to you and there is another paper submitted to each member from another physician in Kansas City alluding to the same thing.


I would like to thank the Commission for allowing the public to address these issues. And it has been a lot of information and it has been very good and enlightening. And I see I am in the right place to provide the information I have.
And yes, the Tuskegee experiments are still going on and the Guatemala experiments are still going on. But they are going on because of the advances in the signals technology and in cognitive neurological technology and neurophysiological experimentation in research and advances in that technology is allowing these things to happen and creating a new class of vulnerabilities for citizens who cannot protect themselves against this.
We provide citizens who are currently nonconsensual victims of cognitive neuroscience in neurophysiological research and experimentation which is enabled remotely through extremely low frequency computer to brain entrainment technology — This technology exists and can be verified on subjects with a high degree of accuracy, using current neuroimaging technologies.
Okay, this is an atrocity that has gone on for years. And like the Tuskegee experiments, it is clearly within the scope of this Commission. If there is any doubt as to the validity of these claims then this Commission can conduct its own independent investigation by using functional brain imaging techniques.
We ask that the Committee, just because of the existence of our organization, Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance, alone we have thousands of people who have contacted us claiming to be victims of this. Our existence is justification that you should investigate this occurrence further.
We need test developed to determine if a citizen has been harmed by a cognitive weapon. These are cognitive weapons that somehow these people are being experimented on with. And just overall, you need to ban the unethical use of science and technology on all citizens for any reason and in any form. Thank you.


As you see, we have, actually this is a minority of us. Approximately let’s say I have spoken to probably 3,000 people. He is on probably 1,500, he is on 5,000. There is a lot of us across the U.S. And there are certain statistics I think that if you find that there is something going on wrong, that you are going on wrong, that somewhere along the line, somebody has to do an investigation. If there is a certain percentage of illness. You do an investigation. If there is a certain amount of cancers in the area, the same as Brockovich went and did the investigation, she found a certain amount. Well, we are presenting our case right now. You said you guys wanted to be in the know. We are giving you the information now so that you are in the know.
There is something going on. It is an electromagnetic issue and it has to do with from cell phones all the way to directed energy. And I think yesterday some of the colleagues went ahead and said that we didn’t really talk about whether there is energy weapons or not but I mean, we have thousands and thousands of documentations about energy weapons themselves and all we are asking for is an investigation on this. People are being harmed. People are being tortured and people are being killed. And I think it is a pretty important thing for a bioethics committee to look into. And all we ask today is to please do that. And mark on March first 2011 we came to you and we told you. And I don’t know how many more people. My friends are dead. Tortured to death by electronic weapons and I don’t know how many more people will die. And I hope I will be here again if you have this next year.


My name is Kathryn Nestor and I am from Pennsylvania.
This Commission has spoken of a long history of abuse of the human research subject. Although no one mentioned MKULTRA today, President Clinton recently apologized for this.
My young child and I have been used as nonconsensual test subjects. We have been subjected to COINTELPRO‑like stalking, remote neuromonitoring and electromagnetic torture, resulting in psychological and physical damage. And I won’t go into the details of that because I have four pages written in here. It is very similar to Connie’s testimony.
Please do not wait 70 years to investigate this. I ask Dr. Amy Gutmann to begin today. There is new work for the Commission for human subject protection on our shores. And please give us a dramatic response, Susan. And please give us a congressional hearing. Thank you.


Thank you. My name is Lisa Becker. I am also from Wisconsin. I have been a non-consenting test subject in military medical research. I, too, believe my experience is referred to as no-touch torture, utilize defense technologies.
Jonathan Moreno, he basically predicted all this a number of years ago in his book Undue Risk.
I am asking you to help initiate a congressional investigation. We have all come a long way. This is what is needed. We want to have the accounts of this extreme human rights abuse that is going on in our country documented and heard, all of the accounts.
We also need what was done during the Clinton administration, which is a major declassification of some of these documents that are hiding what has been going on.
I speak for many when I say we have suffered long enough. My personal experience has been ten years. I have been vilified. I have been tortured. I have burns on my body. I am an American. I have rights.
The answer to the question, the big question today, could it happen today, the answer is yes. It is happening today. It is happening for some of us every day.


Hi, I am Debra Poulsen from Kenosha, Wisconsin.
I am going to refer to a paper from Professor McCoy at the University of Wisconsin on no-touch torture. He talks about a total assault on all senses and sensibilities, auditory, visual, tactile, temporal, temperature, and survival, refined through years of practice. Sensory disorientation relies on a mix of sensory overload and sensory deprivation via banal procedures, isolation, by intense interrogation, heat and cold, light and dark, noise and silence or a systematic attack on all human stimuli.
I have been a human subject for experimentation for almost two years and I stand with, I have contacted Dr. Hall, I stand with a very large group. Excuse me I am very nervous but I am very tired of having my rights taken away. And thank you for hearing me and thank you for the others. I would like some help. Thank you.


My name is Michael Shaneyfelt. I am from Birmingham, Alabama. The question that I brought to the Board is that in 2000 I was approached by a Navy sub diver and he brought to my attention the use of an auditory weapon that he stole from the United States Navy. He told me about this weapon that he stole from the Navy and he told me how the weapon would affect the central nervous system of a human. And he wanted me to go out and assist him in certain things.
And in 2006, my life changed. I woke up one day and I got a strong electrical shock in the center of my chest. From that, I started to have problems with my heart. I started having bigeminies, irregular rhythms. I went into the hospital. The doctors determined that I was getting an electrical shock through my chest.
Then I went in and had an operation done, an ablation. And with all this, it just keeps going on. From then it went to my lungs and then from there it went to my kidneys. From there it went to my bladder. From there it went to my colon and it keeps going on and on and on.
Medically I have been looked at and reviewed over and over and over again. My brother, he is a doctor. My sister, she is a nurse. My nephew is a nurse. And I have got people that have talked to me about medical situations and medical views. And I know exactly what is occurring is wrong and I feel like I am a test subject. And I have responded to the government and the government responded back to me but I have not seen no action.
I have given you all a report and you all can look at the letters that I have sent in.

Bioethics Meeting 5 New York City


In a way I’m very sorry to address you like this because I think that what you’re doing is admirable, but I’m here to represent this other group, and I am also targeted and this is my story. My name is Sandra Fields. I’m an architect, recipient of Who’s Who of Women in America achievement award and have run a successful business for over 28 years. My life and livelihood have been compromised for the last 11 years by being attacked by electro-magnetic radiation torture, and by organized stalking. I cannot live in my rent stabilized apartment in New York City as a result of this torture. I’m currently staying in motels and friends’ houses in the last year. Thousands of Americans are currently suffering from chemical, electro-magnetic, psychological and physical torture with no government relief or laws. Our servicemen, prisoners, and thousands of unknowing innocent civilians are currently being lamed, tormented and tortured as a result of military research, medical research, pharmaceutical research, physiological and psychological studies that have virtually destroyed participants’ sanity, physical well-being, reputation and privacy. Government projects like MK Ultra and Cointell Pro are rumored to be active today with no update with updated forms of surveillance and torture and technologies. In 2010 Morrison and Foerster won the right to proceed with a case against the CIA, Department of Defense and the U.S. Army for veterans’ development of multiple diseases and ailments tied to a secret testing program in which the United States military personnel were deliberately exposed to chemical and biological weapons and other toxins without informed consent. Sleep deprivation, poisoning and high frequency doses of continuous microwave pulses are inclined to increase one’s chances for mental disorders, autism, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. The body’s immune system is broken down, their nervous system and the brain and the spinal cord are attacked and maimed. There are no laws to prevent electro-magnetic except in Maine. The Federal Government does not acknowledge these crimes. There is no literature, educational resources of assistance for victims. I would like to ask this Committee to consider an investigation into these unethical violations and a task force be created for educational and to help people who are in trouble of these situations, and I’d be honored to be help in this thing. Thank you very.
y name is Dr. John Hall. I am a medical doctor from Texas. As I understand the memorandum from the 


 I just want to give also want to give thanks and gratitude for this Commission actually being here and being able to bear witness to our testimony to us as well. I think it’s a credit to Obama, even though I’m against a lot of his policies that he would actually create this type of Commission. I do hope that it goes beyond these walls though and actually creates some type of implementation for change. I can speak for hours about my own personal experiences and some of the more modern versions of projects that several people talked about. My harassment started back in 1997, more from a remote influencing perspective, I made contacts in different military industrial complexes, basically different agencies, I had received microwave harassment actually on and off for a number of years, where they were trying to project images of suicide and various states of basically emotional mood management. This was confirmed to me in 2001 by a contact of a national security agency. He worked in… he still, I’m much more (inaudible) at this point but I talked to him recently, he worked in communications intelligence division of NSA for 25 years and this is right after 9/11, with my doctor. When he came to meet with me, I had a part-time job at the time, and he basically was working at a kind of like, in that division he was working, he was examining different types of abuses that were going on in the NSA, and he stated to me personally that my attention fell within the realm of potential abuse, in the agency that he was investigating. At this point, he is still involved in the agency. I can provide his name and information more in private though, because I don’t want to get in trouble for over-disclosure of someone who’s still active in that agency, especially with the technology they have. Anyway, he basically also confirmed to me that what I experienced in terms of some, just the tip of the iceberg, a part of my experience is with the emotional projection, he said that that was very common and that they were using microwaves because they had taken really advanced EEG images of people of people in different emotional states, not those digital brain wave signatures, emotional clusters of people feeling different emotional states. They said that they could take those digital brain wave signatures, piggyback on a certain bandwidth of microwaves as a carrier wave and they can target people worldwide without need for a local transmitter. He confirmed all that to me and said they used satellite to target anybody they want and it’s a very common procedure within this portion of NSA. Which is horrendous that they actually let this going on. So I think the idea of the non-consensual abuse needs to be extended to more the covert military establishment and then later on, 2003, when I was getting more advanced projections were like multi-layered not just from my conscious feelings but into my unconscious, he said that they were trying to fine tune their projections on me to see how I could block it out, because I work more in the consciousness field of meditation, alternative spirituality, so I do different techniques to tell people to block out some of these frequencies by taking control of their own bio-platonic fields. I’ve also made contact with many scientists over the years, undergone scientists who used to work in various intelligence areas, I’ve also confirmed this and much much beyond technologies, where they use longitudinal electro-magnetic wave technologies. Technology that Tessler first developed, which also could be used in alternative healing, I’m also aware, we have a friend in upstate who’s been curing people of different illnesses using this technology but he worked in the Pentagon for decades and confirmed some of this technology is also being used for more of the nefarious activities. I can go on for hours, but I’ll probably provide written testimony. Thank you.
President, it is for you to determine if current legislation is adequate in protecting individuals and if there i

s any ongoing experimentation.
In reviewing the Common Rule, it is very obvious that there is a lot of loop holes to informed consent. All of the horrific experiments you have mentioned, Willowbrook, MKULTRA, radiation experiments, mostly were done without informed consent. They were funded by the DoD and intelligence agencies where I am not even so sure you would know if there is an IRB, much less if an IRB is looking at informed consent.
As a physician, relative to some of what you are hearing today, in the community we are seeing an alarming rate of complaints of use of electromagnetic weapons. Microwave auditory effects, silent sound spectrum, EEG cloning, which has taken the lab out of the laboratory and into the home. Most of these from the research that we have reviewed can be done remotely. It seems to be more weapons research than medical research.
I personally corresponded with upwards of 1500 victims all complaining of identical complaints from every state in the nation of being exposed to electromagnetic radiation, non-ionizing radiation for the use of cognitive control or behavior control.
I submitted a paper to you and there is another paper submitted to each member from another physician in Kansas City alluding to the same thing.

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