Workshop 1
Facing the High-Power
Microwave Ch allenge
There is an increasingly wide-range of ways of applying high-powered
microwave technology in the defence sector, with systems being put to
use in spheres, such as area protection and countering IEDs, as well as
civil applications like vehicle stopping.
Non-lethal capabilities and action range are clearly of importance
but dirty weapons emerging from the diversion of domestic
microwave technologies are of primary concern in overseas theatres
and mass transportation facilities or financial centres. Legal and
ethical issues are also to be considered together with society’s
acceptance of the use of electromagnetic radiations. This workshop
aims to review recent advances on high-power microwaves
technologies for defence and security, specifically:
r Narrow-band up to ultra-wideband sources, tubes, pulse forming
lines, antennas, etc.
r High-voltage power supply and energy storage / transformation
chain, including batteries for mobile systems
r Specific metrology
r Embedded/portable systems
r Dedicated proving ground facilities
r Biological effects
r Military and civil doctrine.
This will be your chance to learn from one of Europe’s most
respected R&D groups. In a market traditionally seen to be led
by the United States this is an opportunity to learn about the
work currently being conducted by academia, governmental
agencies and industries, and help to identify technology
requirements and growth areas within the European HPM sector.
The workshop will be led by Dr Lionel Merlat, Senior Scientist,
Workshop 2
Developing the Next generation
of Non-Lethal Weapons
NLWs are an area of high interest currently and there is no doubt
that this interest and the amount of developmental time and monies
put into them is set to grow. Indeed, they are increasingly seen as a
more morally acceptable use of directed energy systems and as a
tactically useful force escalation option, a mid-way point before the
use of traditional kinetic weapons.
The Georgia Technology Research Institute is a world renowned
establishment with one of the most highly respected teams working
on directed energy systems in the world. This workshop will address
the development requirements, capabilities and tactical applications
of directed energy NLWs. Well known systems such as ADS and
Dazzlers will be discussed, as well as investigating the current
cutting edge of NLW development.
Attending this workshop will enable you to gain a clear insight
into the current capabilities and applications of NLWs, their
use on global operations and current and future areas of
The workshop will be led by Dr Mike Cathcart, Remote Sensors
Group, Georgia Technology Research Institute
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.08.30 Coffee and registration
09.00 Chairman’s Welcome and Introductory
09.10 Keynote: US Air Force Air Combat
Command: Introducing the Directed
Energy enabling policy
The US Air Force Air Combat Command is responsible for
the combat enablement of the directed energy systems
projects currently in development across the Air Force.
AAIntroducing the role and work of the ACC
AAStudying the work in liaising with other DES Air Force
development agencies
AADetailing the “Directed Energy Enabling Concept”,
the first step on the road to creating TTPs for directed
energy systems
Colonel Joseph Skaja, Chief of Electronic Warfare,
Information Operations and Directed Energy Division, Air
Combat Command, US Air Force
09.50 Keynote: United States Office of Naval
Research (ONR ): Leading the development
of Directed Energy Systems
The ONR has for a number of years been one of the
keys agencies in the US driving the development of
directed energy systems.
AAIntroducing the current structure of the ONR directed
energy research team
AAUpdates on the current programmes in development
by the ONR:
• Free Electron Laser
• Maritime Laser Demonstrator
AALooking forwards: analysing the likely timeline for
achieving operational capability
Quentin Soulter, Programme Manager, Office of Naval
10.30 Networking Coffee Break
11.00 Keynote: United States Air Force Research
Laboratory Directed Energy Directorate
The US Air Force Research Laboratory is the R&D section
of the US Air Force. It has been heavily involved in the
development of directed energy systems since the early 90s.
AAIntroducing the Directed Energy directorate, the
structure and personnel involved
AADetail of the status and lessons learned from nonlethal
research projects including:
• Dazzler
AADetail of the status and lessons learned from laser
projects including:
• YAL-1A
AADetail of the status and lessons learned from
microwave projects including:
• Active Denial System
AADiscussing the future plans and development of DES
from and AFRL perspective
Dr Kirk Hackett, Directed Energy Directorate, US Air
Force Research Laboratory
11.40 Up date on the work of the High Energy
Laser Joint Technology Office (HEL JTO )
The HEL JTO was established in 2000 with the aim of
developing and executing a comprehensive investment
strategy for HEL science and technology that would underpin
weapons development. The JTO is currently sponsoring 80
programs across industry, academia, and government agencies
AAOutline of current projects and research efforts
undertaken by HEL JTO
AATrends and developments within military HEL applications
AAOperational considerations and the next steps for
battlefield use of HEL
Mark Neice, Director HEL JTO, US DoD
12.20 Networking Lunch
13.30 MBDA – Developing next generation
pulsed power technology
ADS is probably the most well known non-lethal directed
energy system. It is primarily designed for crowd control and
has been called “the gap between shouting and shooting”.
AAExplaining the back ground and development of the project
AAFeedback from recent operational deployment
AADiscussion of the “ethics” question of usage
AAUtility of such systems for military and police purposes
Dr Nigel Seddon, Technical Expert, High Power
Microwave Systems, MB DA UK Ltd
14.10 One year on: Progress in analysing the
physics of Laser Interaction in Military
and Homeland Security App lications
AALinear and non-linear energy coupling
AAAnalysing countermeasures against optronical
components and suggesting the military
AALaser effects on ammunitions
Dr. Ruediger Schmitt, Senior Scientist, Laser
Applications, French German Research Institute, ISL
14.50 Networking Coffee Break
15.20 Sp ecial Solid-State Lasers for
Protection of Airborne Platforms by
Jamming and Damage
The French-German Research Institute (ISL) was formed
in 1958 with the aim of providing research, scientific
study and pre-development in the armament domain.
AAIntroducing threat description according to jamming
and damage lasers
AAComparison of well known “classical” military lasers
with small scale solid-state lasers and their adaptation
to airborne platforms for operational use
AADiscussing different concepts of solid-state laser in
the 2um range for jamming and damage treated by ISL
AALooking forwards, project timelines and ultimate goals
Dr. Michael H Von Salisch, Senior Scientist, Special Laser
Applications, French German Research Institute, ISL
16.00 Boeing Mk 38 Tactical Laser System
Programme Overview
The use of high energy lasers on naval platforms has
been one of the major research and development
focuses of the military and industry partnerships focusing
on directed energy system development.
AAOverview of project so far
AADifficulties surrounding platform integration
AAOvercoming heat and power generation issues
AABuilding on the initial test results, applications for
future projects
Mike Rinn, Vice President and Program Manager
Directed Energy Systems, Boeing
16.40 Chairman’s comments
17.00 Close of Day One
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08.30 Coffee and registration
09.00 Chairman’s Welcome and introductory
09.10 High Power Microwave (HPM) Susceptibility
of Electronic Systems
The Fraunhofer Institute for Technological Trend Analysis
is part of the Fraunhofer Society, a research organisation
consisting of 60 institutes spread throughout Germany.
The Technical Trend Analysis Institute has strong experience
in conducting electromagnetic research and experiments
for state and industry bodies.
AAIntroducing the nature of the HPM threat
AADetailing and analysing the HPM susceptibility of
electronic systems
AAExamples of test results and their real world applications
AAHPM detection and protection measures: learning to
defend against the HPM threat
Dr. Michael Suhrke, Head of Business Unit
Electromagnetic Effects & Threats, Fraunhofer Institute
for Technological Trend Analysis INT
09.50 Energy Generation for Directed Energy
The University of Loughborough School of Electronic,
Electrical and Systems Engineering and leaders into the
research of pulsed power generation. This is a key technical
development area as for many years the high power
demands of directed energy systems have prevent them
from being operationally practical.
AAIntroduction to the pulsed power research areas
AADiscussion of the current status of research and goals
of the project
AAFeedback from the University of Loughborough Pulsed
Power Symposium
AAOpinion on the way ahead for achieving practical
energy generation for military directed energy requirements
Dr Ivor Smith, Professor of Electrical Power
Engineering, University of Loughborough
10.30 Networking Coffee Break
11.00 Discussion Panel: How can Directed Energy
Systems be moved from the academic
drawing board to an operational reality?
AABridging the technical divide:
• Power requirements and processing
• Achievement of operational durability
• Increase of capabilities to meet operational demands
AADeveloping the concept of operation
AAOvercoming the public and private negativity on the
use of directed energy systems
11.40 DAR PA: Developing the High Energy Liquid
Laser Area Defence System (HELLADS )
DARPA are the technical development agency of the US DoD.
DARPA are currently working on a number of high energy
laser projects, the most significant of which is HELLADS.
AADesign concepts and aims of the HELLADS project
AAStudying the benefits of industry partnership
AAAnalysis of the testing phase
AAFuture development milestones
Dr Richard Bagnell, Programme Manager, DARPA
12.20 Networking Lunch
13.30 The European Working Group On Non-
Lethal Weapons
The EWG NLW is the leading working group in Europe
promoting the development of non-lethal weapons. Directed
energy systems are an important component area.
AAIntroduction to the work of the EWG NLW
AADiscussion of the significant projects under
development such as DESTO (Direct Energy STOpper)
AAUpdate on the progress specific nations such as Italy
have had in producing directed energy non-lethal weapons
Rear Admiral Massimo Annati (ret’d), Deputy Director,
European Working Group on Non-Lethal Weapons
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