Epilepsy Seizure Types and Symptoms
Based on the type of behavior and brain activity, seizures are divided into two broad categories: generalized and partial (also called local or focal). Classifying the type of seizure helps doctors diagnose whether or not a patient has epilepsy.
Generalized seizures are produced by electrical impulses from throughout the entire brain, whereas partial seizures are produced (at least initially) by electrical impulses in a relatively small part of the brain. The part of the brain generating the seizures is sometimes called the focus. The most common types of seizures are listed below:
Generalized Seizures (Produced by the entire brain) | Symptoms |
1. "Grand Mal" or Generalized tonic-clonic | Unconsciousness, convulsions, muscle rigidity |
2. Absence | Brief loss of consciousness |
3. Myoclonic | Sporadic (isolated), jerking movements |
4. Clonic | Repetitive, jerking movements |
5. Tonic | Muscle stiffness, rigidity |
6. Atonic | Loss of muscle tone |
Generalized Seizures
There are six types of generalized seizures. The most common and dramatic, and therefore the most well known, is the generalized convulsion, also called thegrand-mal seizure. In this type of seizure, the patient loses consciousness and usually collapses. The loss of consciousness is followed by generalized body stiffening (called the "tonic" phase of the seizure) for 30 to 60 seconds, then by violent jerking (the "clonic" phase) for 30 to 60 seconds, after which the patient goes into a deep sleep (the "postictal" or after-seizure phase). During grand-mal seizures, injuries and accidents may occur, such as tongue biting and urinary incontinence.
Absence seizures cause a short loss of consciousness (just a few seconds) with few or no symptoms. The patient, most often a child, typically interrupts an activity and stares blankly. These seizures begin and end abruptly and may occur several times a day. Patients are usually not aware that they are having a seizure, except that they may be aware of "losing time."
Myoclonic seizures consist of sporadic jerks, usually on both sides of the body. Patients sometimes describe the jerks as brief electrical shocks. When violent, these seizures may result in dropping or involuntarily throwing objects.
Clonic seizures are repetitive, rhythmic jerks that involve both sides of the body at the same time.
Tonic seizures are characterized by stiffening of the muscles.
Atonic seizures consist of a sudden and general loss of muscle tone, particularly in the arms and legs, which often results in a fall.
Partial Seizures (Produced by a small area of the brain) | Symptoms |
1. Simple(awareness is retained) a. Simple Motor b. Simple Sensory c. Simple Psychological | a. Jerking, muscle rigidity, spasms, head-turning b. Unusual sensations affecting either the vision, hearing, smell taste, or touch c. Memory or emotional disturbances |
2. Complex (Impairment of awareness) | Automatisms such as lip smacking, chewing, fidgeting, walking and other repetitive, involuntary but coordinated movements |
3. Partial seizure with secondary generalization | Symptoms that are initially associated with a preservation of consciousness that then evolves into a loss of consciousness and convulsions. |
Hey Everyone,
I am sorry to start out like this. But last night I had a seizure November 29,2011. The seizure was caused by electrical stimuli. The auditory weapon that Eric S Phillips stole from the United States Navy. Can cause a person to fallout into a seizure from a electrical stimuli.When the energy hit me yesterday and it was different from all the other 24/7/365. This energy hit me hard and was a strange feeling
the a electrical charge I felt. I could feel energy grounding down inside and outside my body. I have had a EEG run on me. That showed I was seizure free in 2010. And the seizure that I had was like a short fade out and back again type. I called the fire department and they came to the house.
The type of seizure I had was strange. I don't remember it. But I look like I have had a seizure, I think that the weapon Eric S Phillips and his group of people that he has trained on microwave warfare. Live in the Grayson Valley around me. I know that the seizure was electrically made to happen. They had me fired up for about three days and then from the my body receiving such a stage of charges. It rejected it and could not handle the charge they were hitting me with. That is way I think my seizure was caused by transmission of EMF waves.
Generalized seizures are produced by electrical impulses.
James R. White, MD
Minnesota Epilepsy Group Hudson Clinic
LATEST UPDATE: 7/20/2011
- A seizure is a temporary change in the electrical activity of the brain. A seizure is an excess of electricity- like a power surge. This is what causes the symptoms of a seizure.
- When a first seizure occurs, a thorough evaluation is indicated. The evaluation often includes: 1) History and physical exam; 2) EEG; 3) MRI brain; and 4) blood work.
- Seizures can occur at any age—most commonly noted during early childhood and after the age of 60 years.
- In a patient who has had one seizure in their life and who is not started on a seizure medication, the risk of another seizure in the next two years is approximately 40-50%. Treatment with a seizure medication may reduce this chance by approximately half.
- The strongest predictors of seizure recurrence after the first seizure:
- Abnormal EEG
- Underlying condition that may make seizure activity more likely. Examples:
- Birth related issues
- Stroke
- Head trauma
- Brain tumor
- The decision to treat or not to treat a patient with a seizure medication after one seizure should be tailored to the individual patient’s clinical situation. Factors to consider:
- Is the patient at high or low risk for another seizure?
- Is the patient driving?
- Risk of injury if patient has a seizure.
- Possible adverse side effects of the seizure medication.
- With a thorough and thoughtful approach, the optimal treatment plan can be provided.
Patients and family are often absolutely shocked when seizure activity first occurs. The seizure itself may be very dramatic and frightening. The seizure could have resulted in injury. There are almost always a multitude of questions:
- What exactly is a seizure?
- Do I have epilepsy?
- What caused the seizure?
- How could this happen at my age?
- Will the seizure happen again?
- Do I need to go on a seizure medication?
The purpose of the article is to address the most commonly asked questions by patients with new onset seizures. A patient’s first seizure is one of the most frequent and most important consults that we see. Our experience tells us that education is extremely important and typically will significantly relieve stress in those who recently experienced their initial seizure.
What exactly is a seizure?
A seizure is a temporary change in the electrical activity of the brain. In the normal state, the cells on the surface o f the brain (the neurons) communicate and function by an organized flow of electricity. In a seizure, excessive electrical charge occurs—this excessive electricity results in abnormal brain activity. This abnormal activity will lead to the symptoms of the seizure.
Now, let’s say the seizure activity in the above example became more widespread. Instead of being just in my right frontal region, it spread to involve my entire brain! You can imagine that if my whole brain was affected by excessive electrical activity, then the effects on my body would be dramatic- this could result in a “grand mal” seizure. A “grand mal” seizure is where a person collapses to the ground and has whole body shaking activity.
Do I have epilepsy?
Epilepsy is the tendency to have recurrent seizures. Using the most commonly used definition, having one seizure does not meet criteria for having epilepsy. In contrast, having 2 or more seizures in your life usually does meet criteria for epilepsy.
There can be exceptions where a patient may have two seizures in their life and not have epilepsy. The key is whether or not the seizures are provoked by a temporary condition. An example is a patient with diabetes who has their glucose drop to dangerously low levels. Such a patient could have two or more seizures and still not meet criteria for epilepsy—because the seizures were provoked. In contrast, patients with epilepsy have an underlying tendency to have recurrent seizures, even without any obvious provocation.
“Do I have epilepsy?” is a very common question at our clinic. This question is even asked by patients who have had epilepsy for many years. Often times, patients are feeling stressed about the diagnosis of epilepsy. A clear description of what epilepsy is all about can be very helpful for patients to better understand the diagnosis. A clear explanation may significantly relieve stress. We will often review the many different types of epilepsy. Patients can develop epilepsy at any age. Patients with epilepsy run the gamut in terms of physical and mental abilities. Judges, doctors, writers, musicians, artists, teachers have patients with epilepsy in their ranks.
What caused the seizure?
This is an extremely important question. The doctor’s job is to do the detective work to answer this question as accurately as possible. Identifiable causes of seizures are typically due to conditions that disrupt the normal flow of electricity in the brain. Conditions such as head-trauma, stroke and infection can cause scarring on the brain. This will disrupt the wiring between the brain’s cells (neurons). This will in turn cause the potential for abnormal electrical charge from those cells. Excessive electrical charge from neurons can produce seizures.
The most common cause of epilepsy that begins in childhood is birth related issues. In adults, stroke is the most common reason to develop epilepsy. Stroke accounts for just over 10% of new-onset epilepsy and approximately one-third of cases with an identified cause. Brain tumors (approximately 6%) and Alzheimer’s Disease/other dementias (approximately 7%) are other common causes. Depending on where you live in the world, infection may be a very common, if not the most common, cause of epilepsy.
Certain conditions, if they apply to you, can dramatically increase your risk of seizures. For example, a penetrating head injury, such as a bullet piercing the brain, can increase the risk of developing epilepsy 500 times (compared to the general population). In those patients with encephalitis (a severe brain infection), > 20% of patients may develop epilepsy (Neurology Asia 2008 Misra).
Despite extensive work-up, including history, physical examination, EEG, MRI and blood testing, a large percentage of patients still do not have an identified cause for their seizures. This is in some waysreassuring—at least the patient does not have a stroke, tumor or other life-threatening illness. On the other hand, the patient and family are often very frustrated about not getting answers. Most large epidemiologic studies report that the cause of a patient’s epilepsy is unknown in greater than 50-60% of cases. As brain imaging and other technologies improve, it is hoped that the “unknown” category shrinks to as close to zero as possible. One area of very hot research is in the genetics of epilepsy—this may explain a big part of the “unknowns.”
How can this happen at my age?
Seizures can start at any age. This is a surprising fact for most people learning about epilepsy. Even more surprising is that the highest incidence of epilepsy is in the older population (after age 60, 70 and beyond). Most people think of seizures beginning in early childhood. This is a very common time for new-onset seizures. When a 30 year-old man suddenly has his first seizure of his life out of the blue—the patient is usually shocked that seizure activity could strike him. A review of epidemiological data supports that seizures can occur at any age, but the incidence is relatively lower during early adulthood. After age 60 years, the incidence of seizures increases dramatically as conditions such as stroke and tumor become more common.
Will the seizure happen again?
This is a very important and often emotionally charged question. When someone has had their first seizure, there is typically great concern about having more seizures. The patient may have real concerns about loss of control. This can be frustrating and anxiety provoking! An effective way to address the patient’s fears is to provide accurate information about what the literature says in regards to seizure recurrence. Also, it is important to have the information tailored to the patient’s specific clinical situation.
When a patient has had a single seizure, the chance of having more seizure activity in the next two years ranges from 24% to greater than 60%. This is a very wide range! The doctor’s job is to carefully analyze the patient’s case and determine the patient’s individual risk. There have been excellent studies which help guide the clinician (FIRST study, MESS study). For most patients, it can be determined if they are at low risk of seizure recurrence (approximately 24%), intermediate risk (approximately 40%) or high risk (>60%). The evaluation to determine an individual patient’s risk of seizures typically includes a thorough history and physical examination, an EEG and an MRI of the brain. Further testing may be considered, depending on the patient’s situation.
EEG is one of the most effective tools to determine a patient’s likelihood of more seizures. Abnormalities on EEG, especially discharges know as sharp-wave or spike-wave discharges, would indicate a relatively higher risk of seizure recurrence. When a patient has an EEG, each electrode picks up the electrical activity from the brain. A normal EEG brain wave looks like a smooth squiggly line. Sharp-waves or spike-wave discharges are sudden, brief, sharply contoured discharges that typically last for less than one second. Sharp-waves and spike-waves are due to very brief abnormal electrical charge from the brain. It should make sense that if a brain is firing abnormal electrical charge represented as sharp-waves or spike-waves, the brain has a higher likelihood to produce seizures. Studies show that sharp-waves and spike-waves are indeed associated with higher risk of seizures.
Another important factor in determining a patient’s risk of seizure activity is whether or not the patient has an underlying condition which would make having seizures more likely. Many of these conditions can be identified by detailed history taking and performing an MRI of the brain. The patient should be asked whether they have a history of: infection of the brain (meningitis), stroke, head-trauma, dementia, brain tumor or family history of seizures/other neurological conditions. Such underlying conditions can significantly increase the chances of having seizures. The patient should also be asked about whether they were awake or asleep at the time of their first seizure. Patient’s who experience their first seizure out of sleep appear to be at double the risk of seizure recurrence, compared to those who had their first seizure while awake.
There are some clinical factors which are possibly, but not definitely, associated with an increased risk of seizures. The data is just too inconclusive. These factors include: 1) history of seizure activity in the setting of fever as a young child; and 2) age of initial seizure.
Table- Patients followed after first seizure in their life. The chance of having a second seizure in 2 years (Berg, Neurology, 1991):
Normal EEG/no underlying condition* | 24% |
Abnormal EEG or having an underlying condition* | 48% |
Abnormal EEG and having an underlying condition* | 65% |
*Underlying condition: A condition which could make seizures more likely. Examples: brain, tumor, stroke, head trauma and dementia.
Do I need to go on a seizure medication?
“To treat” or “not to treat”? A key question after a patient has their first seizure. This is a very important question and requires a thorough evaluation to arrive at the best recommendation. There are several critical issues to consider:
- What is the chance for further seizures?
- Would another seizure cause serious injury?
- What are the negative consequences of taking a seizure medication?
In a patient who has had one seizure in their life and who is not started on a seizure medication, the risk of another seizure in the next two years is approximately 40-50%. Treatment with a seizure medication may reduce this chance by approximately half. Approximately two-thirds of seizure recurrences are within 6 months of the initial seizure. Seizure medications are typically recommended for patients at high risk of having further seizures. Patients with highly abnormal EEGs or with an underlying condition such as stroke, brain infection would be considered at high risk and a seizure medication is typically prescribed. Such patients may have a greater than 50% chance of having a seizure within two years. In addition, patients who have had two seizures have an approximately 70% chance of further seizure activity. Such patients usually are recommended for treatment.
The decision to start a seizure medication is actually more complicated in those with a single seizure and no abnormalities found on work-up. Such patients would have a normal exam, normal EEG and normal MRI of the brain. Such a patient would be at relatively low risk for seizure recurrence. Some patients take the approach that they want to do anything they can to reduce the chance of seizure activity and very much want to try a seizure medication. In contrast, some patients take the view that the seizures may never happen again, so they may prefer no medications. Some people just do not want to take medications, period!
In addition to considering the likelihood of seizure recurrence, other important issues need to be considered. Lifestyle is important to consider when evaluating a patient after their first seizure. Medication treatment may be recommended in those with work activity or hobbies that could be dangerous if they were to have a seizure. Those who drive for a living, work at heights or around dangerous machinery, usually want to take whatever steps possible to prevent seizures. We have seen the close calls or tragically serious injuries that can occur to patients who have seizures at the wrong time in dangerous work environments. Even those patients who simply drive to and from work may be very appropriately concerned about seizures. A seizure behind the wheel of a car can have terrible consequences. The need to drive as safely as possible prompts many adults to take seizure medications.
While some lifestyle factors may lead to the starting of a seizure medication, other life circumstances may prompt the decision to not take a seizure medication. For example, women who are considering pregnancy and who at very low risk for seizure activity may choose to not take a seizure medication. A child’s potential for learning should also be considered. The risk of adversely affecting a child’s learning potential with seizure medication side effects needs to be weighed in the decision to treat or not. In children who are at low risk for seizures, it may be very reasonable to not start a seizure medication.
Abnormal EEG | Normal EEG and no underlying condition that increases seizure risk (h/o stroke, tumor, brain infection, etc) |
Underlying condition that increases seizure risk (h/o stroke, tumor, brain infection, etc) | Pregnancy |
Driving | Possible adverse affects on child’s learning potential |
Risk of injury if seizure activity |
During discussions about starting a seizure medication, families often want to know if a seizure medication will prevent the development of epilepsy. The short answer is: NO. Seizure medications will suppress the symptoms of seizure activity. They can reduce the frequency and severity of seizures. But long-term studies indicate that after several years of follow-up (for example, 5 years or longer), those who are treated after their first seizure, when compared to those who delayed treatment, were equally likely to have a second seizure (and thus meet criteria for epilepsy).
An example may help clarify this complicated concept. If a patient has a brain infection, then treatment with an antibiotic will eradicate the infection. The antibiotic can be stopped after a few days, and the infection does not come back. Thus, the antibiotic was a true cure for the infection. In contrast, a seizure medication is not a cure for epilepsy. Rather, it suppresses the symptom of seizure activity- making seizures less frequent and less intense. The development of epilepsy comes down to the patient’s underlying predisposition. If the patient is predisposed to have recurrent seizures, then they will go on to develop epilepsy, and, unfortunately, starting a seizure medication does not prevent that. Research is ongoing attempting to discover ways to truly cure epilepsy. That goal remains in the future.
Although seizure medications can be very useful to improve seizure control, the patient and the doctor need to consider the negative effects of seizure medications. Approximately one-third of patients taking seizure medications report side effects. Dizziness, sleepiness and cognitive problems could adversely affect a patient’s quality of life. There can be serious reactions to seizure medications, such as liver or bone marrow impairment. Long-term problems, such as bone density loss, should also be discussed. Thus, even though many patients who have their first seizure may benefit from starting a seizure medication, the risks and benefits of starting a medication needs to be carefully weighed.
Experiencing the first seizure in your life can be very stressful. Education for the patient is critical. The decision to start a seizure medication should be carefully weighed and tailored to the patient’s individual clinical situation. Patients with abnormalities on EEG or MRI may be at higher risk of having recurrent seizures. If pertinent, driving needs to be discussed in detail. Also, the pros and cons of seizure medications needs to addressed. With a thorough and thoughtful approach, the optimal treatment plan can be provided.
Banerjee P, Hauser A. Incidence and Prevalence. In: Engel J, Pedley T, editors. Epilepsy: A comprehensive textbook. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2008: 45-56.
Beghi E, Berg A, Shinnar S, Hauser A. Treatment of single and infrequent seizures. . In: Engel J, Pedley T, editors. Epilepsy: A comprehensive textbook. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2008: 1327-1333.
Eric Phillips I know you are reading what I post up. And I know you are a traitor of the United States. You showed me the items you stole from the US Navy back in 1999-2000. You then asked me to go out and help you to harass, stalk, torture and from what I have been through I can see you want to torture someone to death. So I have all right to say you asked me to go help you kill people with the weapon you stole from the United States Military Defense Department. I am glad I turned you in .To let you know I have turned you into the United States NCISRA and to the JTTF-FBIRA and I have made police reports and records out on you with the Jefferson County Sheriff Department. This started all in 2005 NCIS 2004-2005 Jeff County 2010 JTTF-FBIRA
Eric S Phillips you should call and contact with the Government. The numbers and the Agents names are there to end this form of terrorism you have started Eric S Phillips.
Eric S Phillips traitor of the United States you need to call the NCISRA and turn over what you stole from the United States Navy..
Law Departments and Phone Numbers
Federal Bureau of Investigation
1000 18th St N,
Birmingham, AL 35203
To: Joint Terrorism Task Force
Attn: Agent on Duty
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Jacksonville Division Headquarters
6061 Gate Parkway
Jacksonville, Florida 32256
Jacksonville, Florida 32256
Attn: Joint Terrorism Task Force
Federal Bureau of Investigation
125 West Romana Streets, Suite 650
Pensacola, Florida 32502
Pensacola, Florida 32502
To: Joint Terrorism Task Force
Attn: Agent John Cannon
5722 Integrity Drive
Milling ton, TN 38054-5058
Attn: Agent David Cannon
Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office
2200 Eight Ave. North
Birmingham Alabama 35203
Attn: Mike Hale
Eric S Phillips the weapon you stole and told me that you were training people to use it or them items on american citizens.You need to know the weapon you stole can kill a person. Eric S Phillips this is a list of different medical problems the weapon you stole from the USA-DOD can cause to all of your victims like me here in Alabama. Because I have found five other victims here in Alabama and also eight in Florida and a few more around the southeast.of the United States.

Eric I know you are around a lot of money that can pay for this type of murder. I always heard what can not be seen can not be caught. But Eric S Phillips Traitor of the United States. You need to call me or the United States Military. Because the bio-chips and the naval microchips and the naval auditory weapon. Needs to be turned over to the NCISRA. I know you have the weapon Eric S. Phillips and the items I have named off. This is a list you need to look at Eric S Phillips
Eric S Phillips the weapon you stole and told me that you were training people to use it or them items on american citizens.You need to know the weapon you stole can kill a person. Eric S Phillips this is a list of different medical problems the weapon you stole from the USA-DOD can cause to all of your victims like me here in Alabama. Because I have found five other victims here in Alabama and also eight in Florida and a few more around the southeast.of the United States.
Eric I know you are around a lot of money that can pay for this type of murder. I always heard what can not be seen can not be caught. But Eric S Phillips Traitor of the United States. You need to call me or the United States Military. Because the bio-chips and the naval microchips and the naval auditory weapon. Needs to be turned over to the NCISRA. I know you have the weapon Eric S. Phillips and the items I have named off. This is a list you need to look at Eric S Phillips
1st Stage Signs
Changes in the tone of the internal voice.
Waking up in extreme pain, and arthritis condition.
Spontaneous tearing without emotional thinking.
Mild pressure in the head, a cloudy feeling.
Increased need to urinate during the night.
Feeling puffs of air on the face and back as if as an example a hair
on the body or eyelash moved, such is a
demodulation of energy on the skin.
Sensation that blood is trickling into localized areas of the
brain and other parts of the body-this feeling is akin to the
impression that these areas were devoid of blood.
Unaccountable increased heart rate just before
drifting off to sleep causing the person to wake up The personality becomes quiet, a lack of thought takes place.
Decrease in mental activity.
Limbs jerk typically as one is trying to sleep.
Lethargy or hyperactivity.
Aggravation reactions
Changes in the tone of the internal voice.
Waking up in extreme pain, and arthritis condition.
Spontaneous tearing without emotional thinking.
Mild pressure in the head, a cloudy feeling.
Increased need to urinate during the night.
Feeling puffs of air on the face and back as if as an example a hair
on the body or eyelash moved, such is a
demodulation of energy on the skin.
Sensation that blood is trickling into localized areas of the
brain and other parts of the body-this feeling is akin to the
impression that these areas were devoid of blood.
Unaccountable increased heart rate just before
drifting off to sleep causing the person to wake up The personality becomes quiet, a lack of thought takes place.
Decrease in mental activity.
Limbs jerk typically as one is trying to sleep.
Lethargy or hyperactivity.
Aggravation reactions
1st Stage Signs
of Electromagnetic Energy.
Feeling a shock as one drifts off to sleep.
Seeing lights as one drifts off to sleep.
compressing the vertebrae.
Sensitivity to sound.
minor spasms and charliehorses.
Inability to concentrate.
Loss of memory.
Night sweats.
Sensitive ear to touch.
Upon waking finding that the muscles of the back are tingling as if electrified.
Ringing in one or both ears and or hear tone bursts.
Teeth snap together when drowsy.
Loss of sleep.
Nails become wavy.
Water weight and cellulite accumulations on the upper thigh and buttox from cellular fluids dispalced generally from the head and upper body especially in women, where those fluids find ready redistribution in those areas.
of Electromagnetic Energy.
Feeling a shock as one drifts off to sleep.
Seeing lights as one drifts off to sleep.
compressing the vertebrae.
Sensitivity to sound.
minor spasms and charliehorses.
Inability to concentrate.
Loss of memory.
Night sweats.
Sensitive ear to touch.
Upon waking finding that the muscles of the back are tingling as if electrified.
Ringing in one or both ears and or hear tone bursts.
Teeth snap together when drowsy.
Loss of sleep.
Nails become wavy.
Water weight and cellulite accumulations on the upper thigh and buttox from cellular fluids dispalced generally from the head and upper body especially in women, where those fluids find ready redistribution in those areas.
2st Stage Signs
Burning sensation on the skin.
Loss of hair.
Feeling of temporary heating of the head ( demodulating RF effect)
2nd Stage symptoms from exposure
Narcoleptic reactions, sleepinesss.
Sleep only after exhaustion.
Virtual insomnia.
Gaunt face.
Facial arinkles.
Losing skin turgor.
Hair breaks from rapid microwave heat on hair causing increase fracturing of hair shafts.
Accompanying activity of sabotage of business and or
personal life, strange people in area, strange reactions
from people, items moved or missing in home.
Waking after sleep feeling as though you did not sleep, children's
symptoms manifest
themselves as ADD and Hyperactivity.
Burning sensation on the skin.
Loss of hair.
Feeling of temporary heating of the head ( demodulating RF effect)
2nd Stage symptoms from exposure
Narcoleptic reactions, sleepinesss.
Sleep only after exhaustion.
Virtual insomnia.
Gaunt face.
Facial arinkles.
Losing skin turgor.
Hair breaks from rapid microwave heat on hair causing increase fracturing of hair shafts.
Accompanying activity of sabotage of business and or
personal life, strange people in area, strange reactions
from people, items moved or missing in home.
Waking after sleep feeling as though you did not sleep, children's
symptoms manifest
themselves as ADD and Hyperactivity.
3rd Stage effects from exposure
Loss of coordination.
Accidents from sleeplessness.
Damage to eyesight.
Atrophy of the muscles.
Heart valve damage.
Loss of weight.
Sensitivity to sound.
Loss of coordination.
Accidents from sleeplessness.
Damage to eyesight.
Atrophy of the muscles.
Heart valve damage.
Loss of weight.
Sensitivity to sound.
3rd Stage effects from exposure
Decreased dexterity.
Unaccountable increased heart rate.
Vivid dreams.
Lost time.
Change of mood
Decreased dexterity.
Unaccountable increased heart rate.
Vivid dreams.
Lost time.
Change of mood
1. Sleeplessness virtual insomnia, where just as a person is falling asleep they wake up with elevated heart rate.
2 inability to stay asleep
3 While fully awake, subjective cloudy feeling but more like a sensation than an actual state of mind somewhat like on the verge of pressure for periods of a few minutes to hours.
4.) Minor forgetfulness,
5.) Minor confusion.
6.) Increased need to urinate during the night.
7.) Teeth snap together during phase of relaxation prior to going asleep.
8.) Night sweats.
9.) Waking up in extreme pain.
10.) Arthritis like condition virtually overnight and fibromyalgia.
11.) Vivid dreams , excessive talking in sleep and waking while talking.
12.) Minor spontaneous tearing without emotional thinking.
13.) Sensitive ear to touch.
14.) Minor inexplicable cut or scrape on ear.
15.) The personality becomes quiet, a lack of thought takes place, a decrease in mental activity
16.) Some report changes in the tone of the internal voice
17.) Ringing in one or both ears without having received a head trauma
18.) Sensation that blood is trickling into localized areas of the brain and other parts of the body, this feeling is akin to the impression that these areas were devoid of blood.
19.) Hearing of very short tones without realization of their being of any consequence and ignored.
20.) Limbs jerk typically as one is trying to sleep.
21.) Although I have not received any voices many women in particular do. Implants are transceivers (miniature walkie walkies).
2 inability to stay asleep
3 While fully awake, subjective cloudy feeling but more like a sensation than an actual state of mind somewhat like on the verge of pressure for periods of a few minutes to hours.
4.) Minor forgetfulness,
5.) Minor confusion.
6.) Increased need to urinate during the night.
7.) Teeth snap together during phase of relaxation prior to going asleep.
8.) Night sweats.
9.) Waking up in extreme pain.
10.) Arthritis like condition virtually overnight and fibromyalgia.
11.) Vivid dreams , excessive talking in sleep and waking while talking.
12.) Minor spontaneous tearing without emotional thinking.
13.) Sensitive ear to touch.
14.) Minor inexplicable cut or scrape on ear.
15.) The personality becomes quiet, a lack of thought takes place, a decrease in mental activity
16.) Some report changes in the tone of the internal voice
17.) Ringing in one or both ears without having received a head trauma
18.) Sensation that blood is trickling into localized areas of the brain and other parts of the body, this feeling is akin to the impression that these areas were devoid of blood.
19.) Hearing of very short tones without realization of their being of any consequence and ignored.
20.) Limbs jerk typically as one is trying to sleep.
21.) Although I have not received any voices many women in particular do. Implants are transceivers (miniature walkie walkies).
A. ) Some report changes in the tone of the internal voice.
B . ) Ringing in one or both ears without having received a head trauma.
C . ) Hearing of very short tones without realization of their being of any consequence and ignored.
Although I have not received any voices many women in particular do.
Implants are transceivers ( miniature walkie walkies ).
D . ) Hear electronic noises of bumping clicking buzzing or high pitched sound.
E . ) See faint flicker of light with lights out eyes closed, and or a bright white or red light.
F . ) As one is going to sleep normal sounds such as pipes causing click noises cause soft pastel
flashes of light to be seen with eyes closed and lights out.
G . ) Shocks before reaching sleep, escalate in intensity from mild to sleep disturbing and then intense.
H . ) Heavy Jolts (feels like 220) to cause heart attack especially as you go to
sleep and just as you wake up
I . ) Choking at the diaphragm level.
J . ) Being blinded, in my case I was told in advance. In the same eye temporarily without any
blinding flash being responsible; in the exact place in the home.
K .) Feeling of being electrified, where if teeth are clicked the body resonates with a feeling of
B . ) Ringing in one or both ears without having received a head trauma.
C . ) Hearing of very short tones without realization of their being of any consequence and ignored.
Although I have not received any voices many women in particular do.
Implants are transceivers ( miniature walkie walkies ).
D . ) Hear electronic noises of bumping clicking buzzing or high pitched sound.
E . ) See faint flicker of light with lights out eyes closed, and or a bright white or red light.
F . ) As one is going to sleep normal sounds such as pipes causing click noises cause soft pastel
flashes of light to be seen with eyes closed and lights out.
G . ) Shocks before reaching sleep, escalate in intensity from mild to sleep disturbing and then intense.
H . ) Heavy Jolts (feels like 220) to cause heart attack especially as you go to
sleep and just as you wake up
I . ) Choking at the diaphragm level.
J . ) Being blinded, in my case I was told in advance. In the same eye temporarily without any
blinding flash being responsible; in the exact place in the home.
K .) Feeling of being electrified, where if teeth are clicked the body resonates with a feeling of
1) Types of Health Problems
· Respiratory Problems
· Neurological problems
1. Impaired cognitive ability
2. Impaired motor skills
3. Trouble walking
4. Memory Problems
5. fibromyalgia
6. restless leg syndrome
· Nausea
· Sleep deprivation, fatigue
· Uncontrollable shaking
· Loss of sight
· Loss of hearing
· Loss of hair
· Scalp and skin diseases
· Body burns and marks
· Multi- chemical sensitivity
· Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
· Stress related Diseases
· Asthma
· Impaired immune system
· Increased sympathetic nervous system activity
· Alzheimer’s
· Parkinson’s
· Cancer
· Multiple Sclerosis
· Stroke
· Aneurysm
· Heart Attack
· Suicides